![]() I spent the last ten days in LA recording my latest CD and networking. I met with a new music publisher I recently signed with, I attended several music business meetups, including one I hosted for my website, How To License Your Music.com, and met a bunch of great people while I was there. It was a really productive time and it was great to meet many people in person I had previously only known via the internet. I had such a productive time networking and meeting new people that it really got me thinking; just how important is it as a musician to live in one of the major music industry cities? Although many US cities have diverse and interesting music scenes, and there are talented people everywhere, I think it's fair to say that are really just a handful of cities that would qualify as "major" music industry cities. These cities would be New York, LA, Nashville and to a certain extent, Atlanta. Although there are other cities in the U.S. like Austin and Chicago that have lots of musicians and opportunities to connect and network with people in the music industry, they don't quite compare to places like New York and LA. I've often thought about just how important it is to live in a city like LA or New York and this recent trip has given me even more to think about. Although I haven't reached a definitive conclusion, I thought I would explore the topic in this post. For my situation, there would be both pros and cons to moving to a city like LA or New York. Let's start with the positives: Pros: 1) More Networking Opportunities - There's something about meeting someone face to face and developing a connection in the real world that simply can't be duplicated. You can certainly connect and work with people online these days, but there's nothing like looking someone in the eye, shaking their hand and making a real connection. Living in a city like LA or New York would put you in closer proximity with more people working in the music industry. Simply put, it's easier to meet and connect with people in the industry when they're in your own backyard. 2) Being Around Like Minded People - There's also something about living in an area with lots of like minded people. When you're in a city like LA or New York, it's so easy to find other like minded people. Having people in your life that can relate to and support your endeavors is critical. I don't have a problem finding like minded people in Chicago, but based on the short time I spent in LA I get the impression that it would be even easier to find and connect with like minded people in LA. When you don't have people in your life that can relate to your goals it can be really frustrating and discouraging. If you surround yourself with people that are supportive and understanding, it makes something like pursuing a career in music much easier. No man is and island after all. 3) Music Business Infrastructure - Cities like LA, Nashville and New York have what I call a solid music business infrastructure. There is an ample supply of studios, players, vocalists and so on. Need to find someone to play Cello on your new CD? That won't be a problem in any of the major music cities. Need to find a studio to record your next EP? In a place like LA or New York there are an abundance of great studios to choose from. Of course, this isn't as big of a factor because most decent size cities will have recording studios and musicians. However, it's nice to know that you'll be able to find whatever it is you're looking for easily when working on music projects. 4) Higher Paying "Day" Jobs - I spent a lot of time talking to my producer, Gary Gray, about the possibility of relocating to LA and he made a great point that although the cost of living is higher in LA there are also a lot of higher paying jobs in LA. There's more money to go around and so it makes sense that it would be easier to make money in a city like LA. I don't have any hard statistics to draw from, and those can be pretty misleading anyway, but I get the impression there are plenty of ways to survive in LA or New York as a musicians while you're pursuing income from things like songwriting and performing that can take awhile to establish. Cons: 1) High Cost Of Living - Cities like LA and New York have a significantly higher cost of living than many other cities. Chicago isn't the cheapest city in the world to live in either, but based on the little bit of research I did when I was in LA, it seems less expensive than LA overall. Pursuing a career in music has a high degree of uncertainty built into it, so I'm reluctant to add to the stress of that by increasing my overhead substantially. However, if I were to move to LA there are certainly affordable ways to do that. I could share a space with other musicians for example. But my quality of life would most likely diminish at least marginally, based on the research I've done in terms of cost of living. 2) Small Fish In A Big Pond - The great thing about living in a major music city is that there are tons of like minded musicians with similar aspirations. The bad thing about living in a major music city is that there are tons of like minded musicians with similar aspirations. It's a double edged sword. On one hand there are way more people to connect and work with, but there are also way more people competing for the same gigs. When you're a big fish in a small pond it's fairly easy to get jobs performing music, if there's at least a small music scene. In a place like New York or LA the competition is fierce. I think the key to living in a major music city like LA or New York would be to surround yourself with the "right" people. People like to work with people they know and trust. People need to know of you before they can think of hiring you. 3) Quality Of Life - This one is related to the cost of living factor, but it's a little different. Some people thrive in big cities like LA And New York, where as other people prefer smaller towns. I'm somewhere in between. I don't like living in very small towns, but massive cities like New York aren't really my cup of tea either. I'm also not a fan of cold winters, so would probably cross New York off my list. I could see myself living in a city like LA or Nashville though as both have mild winters. LA is massive in terms of the number of people that live there, but is so spread out that it doesn't seem as overwhelming to me as a city like New York. I could see myself living in either LA or Nashville and being reasonably happy with my quality of life, at least in terms of weather and the feel of the cities. I haven't spent that much time in Atlanta so I can't really comment on whether I would want to live there. 4) Starting Over - Although I know a few people in LA, if I do decide to move there I would be more or less starting over. I've moved several times in my life at this point, so I know I could handle the adjustment, but it would bring an added level of stress, at least in the short term. It always takes time to make new friends and get settled when you move to a new city. I don't get the impression that meeting people and making friends would be particularly hard in LA, but it would definitely take time to adjust to living there. The verdict is still out on whether or not I'll relocate to a place like LA. I can see a lot of advantages to living there but there would also be some very real challenges to moving there and trying to break into the local scene. However, I felt like I got a lot out of the short time I spent there and if nothing else, I plan to start taking more trips there to continue networking and building new connections. What are your thoughts on the role location plays in pursuing a career in music? Share your thoughts in the comments. Here's a music video we made during my trip to LA for one of my new songs, Sweet Little Thing, underneath the Hollywood Sign in Hollywood Hills.
Karina Nistal
5/1/2015 05:53:15 am
Hi Aaron, I moved out to LA about 4 years ago looking to grow my music career. It has definitely been an uphill journey with all of the points you mentioned in this article. It really does come down to who you know, networking, politicking, being tactful, and humbly stepping back to deal with the egos that go with the location. Most being from "transplants" or people who have also moved here from other parts. The benefit is that there are a lot more people to network, you're in a prime location, and people from other parts of the world really take notice in you being that you reside in this location. After being here for a couple of years I would recommend it just for the experience but not as a permanent move. It has been tough and I don't think many people really know until they get here what an uphill battle it can be. I am finally living on my own after couch surfing for a few months and having roommates etc. I'm grateful for the opportunity but still consider going back to my hometown to be with my dependable support and family. Thanks for all your wisdom and educational articles. I consider you a success.
Aaron Davison
5/1/2015 08:22:01 am
Thanks for sharing your experience. How much longer do you plan to live in LA?
5/1/2015 05:57:15 am
I moved to New York in the late 60s and was quite successful with that move. I did decide to move on and get out of music for a few years because I did not want the road band life, but in reality I was not ready or confident enough for international fame. When I moved to LA and Nashville, I was already in my 40s and too old for that kind of a thing. So, yes, if you are young and want to work tirelessly, moving to a music center is the only way you can make it. If you are not under 30 and not great looking act, hang it up or write instead.
5/1/2015 06:03:36 am
I do agree with Karina … musical success is always decided by who you know. Of course, you have to make the move to know people. The bottom line is that you have to be very good to make it in the music business AND know people as well. I still write and perform and I am better than I ever was and I am over 70.
Aaron Davison
5/1/2015 08:25:24 am
Still performing and writing over 70 ... You're an inspiration! 5/1/2015 06:09:36 am
Well Aaron,
Aaron Davison
5/1/2015 08:22:54 am
Best of luck to you in LA Keith! It was great to meet you in person.
Shawn Sharif
5/1/2015 06:55:31 am
Aaron Davison
5/1/2015 08:23:21 am
J. Patton
5/1/2015 11:10:39 am
Great article and a great song. I was born and raised in L.A. And it is about who you know, but in my experience it's more about getting the people that you want to know, to know you. In today's world, that can be done in a host of different ways, and from virtually anywhere on earth. If you make enough of an impact, people will reach out to you.
5/1/2015 04:13:08 pm
Enjoyed the video and the dog was a nice touch. I'm from L.A. and can say two things about that. 1. if you're not prepared, it can eat you alive. It's a tough place. It's full of players way better than me or you who are hungry but........
5/2/2015 05:03:21 am
I think it helps living in L.A. but not a must. The need for music is universal. There are opportunities all over the place. And with the internet you don't have to be here. From a networking standpoint does it help? Probably. For me it has made things happen much faster because of the face to face. It is a people business and about the relationships you create.
Ron Kempton
5/8/2015 03:54:18 am
There's a lot to be said about being content where you are. Socal is a stress factory. It's crowded and expensive. However if you're happy there it wouldn't effect you creativity at all. But if you moved somewhere (Anywhere) and you just couldn't find a place in the sun or any way to keep what you started going cause of outside stresses, you might just find that you're stuck. Of course attitude plays a huge roll but as a California native The older I get there more Socal gets stressful and hard to deal with. A friend I'm collaborating with now lives in Colorado, I started thinking about going there. Changing locations always sounds good, but the old saying "It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there" Is a good bit of thought to kick around. Home is where you stop and rest, sleep, sit and think and have that cool feeling of knowing where you are. All the roads, restaurants, stores, cool spots that tourists don't know about, memories, and your own footprint right up to your own front porch, that all matters. Any of us could go anywhere in the world and no matter where you are it's never home. So when I get home, then I can take all the words I've written, pics I've taken, sights I've seen and create songs and videos. strange skies don't touch you the same way if there are no familiar skies to go back to. The road and other cities are great places to to fill up with wonders and new things but they're not home.
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